
10/09/2015 作者 Magnus Carlsson



  1. 环境变量简介
  2. 从CANlib访问环境变量
  3. Kvaser TRX和环境变量


环境变量用于在不同的t程序之间通信,或者使用CANlib与PC通信。 环境变量必须在t程序的envvar部分中定义。


  • kvScriptEnvvarOpen (const int hnd, char *envvarName, int *envvarType, int *envvarSize)打开现有的环境变量,并返回句柄以及环境变量的类型和大小。为了使环境变量存在,环境变量必须在CAN通道句柄hnd指向的设备加载的t程序中定义。
  • kvScriptEnvvarClose :: (kvEnvHandle eHnd)关闭环境变量 (已使用kvScriptEnvvarOpen()打开)。


  • kvScriptEnvvarSetInt :: (kvEnvHandle eHnd, int val)设置由eHnd指向的环境变量的值,其已定义为int
  • kvScriptEnvvarGetInt :: (kvEnvHandle eHnd, int *val)检索定义为int的环境变量的值。
  • kvScriptEnvvarSetFloat :: (kvEnvHandle eHnd, float val)设置定义为float的环境变量的值。
  • kvScriptEnvvarGetFloat :: (kvEnvHandle eHnd, float *val)检索定义为float的环境变量的值。

环境变量也可以定义为长度高达ENVVAR_MAX_SIZEchar数组。为了减少传输的数据的大小,使用start_indexdata_len来交换定义为char数组的环境变量。 如果你已划分数据并知道你感兴趣的数据部分,这可能很有帮助。

  • kvScriptEnvvarSetData :: (kvEnvHandle eHnd, void *buf, int start_index, int data_len)设置定义为char数组的环境变量中的数据字节范围。
  • kvScriptEnvvarGetData :: (kvEnvHandle eHnd, void *buf, int start_index, int data_len) 从定义为char数组的环境变量中检索数据字节范围。



现在我们可以来测试在本系列第一篇文章中概述过的与一台运行t程序的设备进行交互。为了运行测试,我们需要运行包含在CANlib SDK v5.12中的环境变量的包装器。预发布版本见https://github.com/Kvaser/canlib-samples

import time
import kvDevice

# Define some values and messages to send to our device
# In order to hide these secret messages, we write them encoded ;-)
messages = [(1, "-Jung unccraf gb n sebt'f pne jura vg oernxf qbja?"),
            (2, "-Vg trgf gbnq njnl."),
            (3, "-Jul jnf fvk fpnerq bs frira?"),
            (4, "-Orpnhfr frira 'ngr' avar."),
            (5, "-Jung vf gur qvssrerapr orgjrra fabjzra naq fabjjbzra?"),
            (6, "-Fabjonyyf."),
            (7, "-Jurer qvq lbh svaq gurfr?"),
            (8, "-uggc://jjj.ynhtusnpgbel.pbz/wbxrf/jbeq-cynl-wbxrf")]

# We will be using the first Eagle device found connected to the PC
# For an introduction to the kvDevice object, see
# http://www.kvaser.com/developer-blog/object-oriented-approach-accessing-kvaser-device-python-3-3/
eagle_ean = "73-30130-00567-9"
dev = kvDevice.kvDevice(ean=eagle_ean)

# Open a handle to the device

# Load the t program into slot 0
dev.channel.scriptLoadFile(0, "envvar.txe")

# Start the program in slot 0

# Our protocol states that we should wait until HostIdConnected is zero before trying to connect
print "Waiting for device to be free..."
# All calls to the kvScriptEnvarOpen() and kvScriptEnvvarGetXXX() functions are hidden in the
# envvar class inside canlib.py. Here we can access it directly with dev.channel.envvar.YYY
while dev.channel.envvar.HostIdConnected != 0:

# Now we try to connect by writing our unique id into the environment variable HostIdRequest.
# We wait until our connection was accepted, i.e. HostIdConnected contains our id.
print "Requesting connection..."
myHostId = 42
print "Waiting for device to connect..."
while dev.channel.envvar.HostIdConnected != myHostId:
    if dev.channel.envvar.HostIdConnected == 0:
        print "Requesting connection..."
        if dev.channel.envvar.HostIdRequest != myHostId:
            dev.channel.envvar.HostIdRequest = myHostId
print "Connected!"

# Start sending our messages to the device
for (severity, message) in messages:
    print "Sending message %d" % severity
    dev.channel.envvar.Severity = severity
    dev.channel.envvar.Message = message.encode('rot13')

print "Disconnect..."
dev.channel.envvar.HostIdRequest = 0

# Stop the script in slot 0


Waiting for device to be free...
Requesting connection...
Waiting for device to connect...
Sending message 1
Sending message 2
Sending message 3
Sending message 4
Sending message 5
Sending message 6
Sending message 7
Sending message 8

我同意这并没有非常地激动人心,所以在本系列的最后一篇文章中,我们将一起看看如何使用Kvaser TRX与这些环境变量进行交互,Kvaser TRX是在Kvaser设备上开发t程序的轻量集成开发环境(IDE)。

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Magnus Carlsson

Margus Carlsson是Kvaser AB公司的软件开发人员,从2007年以来深度参与了Kvaser固件和软件的开发。他还为Kvaser的技术博客撰写了许多用流行的Python语言编写应用程序的文章。